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3-D Segmentation of Brain MRIs
Artificial Intelligence Coursework 3-D Segmentation Medical Imaging Perception Stanford CS
Volumetric segmentation of brain MRIs with minimal compute
DreamChess: Chess-Playing AI
Artificial Intelligence Coursework Chess AI Offline Learning Reinforcement Learning Stanford CS
AlphaGo Zero-style chess-playing AI and state-action embedding system


ChoiceNet: Quantitative Transfer Learning
Artificial Intelligence Coursework Meta Learning Stanford CS Transfer Learning
Network that assists in choosing one’s transfer learning dataset or model
Laundry Image Classification
Artificial Intelligence Coursework Image Classification Perception Stanford CS
High-accuracy image classification of common clothing types


3-D Shape Reconstruction
Artificial Intelligence Coursework Perception Stanford CS
Reproduced the Point Completion Network paper using completion3D data


Automated Slide Whistle
Coursework Engineering Automation Pitt Engineering Robotics
Slide whistle that could automatically play part of the Star Spangled Banner


Foldie, the Laundry Folding Robot
Coursework Engineering Pitt Engineering Robotics
Design project making a prototype laundry folding robot


ArtBot: Kinematic Panther Statue
Coursework Engineering Animatronics Pitt Engineering Robotics
Robotics club project building a kinematic panther statue